Hello, High world!

Posted by homoludo on November 2nd, 2007 filed in Uncategorized

Check, check 1,2.  1,2   check.  Er, Hello? testing…can you hear me? Hello? Is this thing on?(scream of feedback stings ears…)

6 Responses to “Hello, High world!”

  1. inge Says:


  2. ralph Says:

    this has as little as my site on it!

  3. alan Says:

    Lux great . . Hope yer Seomra Spraoi gig went well – sorry I didn’t make it..

  4. spewey walshe Says:

    savage cabbage! great to see you’ve finally got somewhere to archive the shows Colm. look forward to being able to listen to the shows, keep up the good work.

  5. \')/* Says:



  6. Velociroflcoptersaurus Says:

    get a velociroflcoptersaurus up ya!!

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